Thursday 20 September 2012

Sunday Stay

Sunday Stay!

Sunday, please don't end
Away with the sun don't run
I wish I could make you understand
How I don't want Monday to come

Oh how I wish you wouldn't leave

Can't you somehow just stay
Don't you have the power
To make Monday just keep away

Perhaps it's wrong for me to want this

Perhaps it's as silly as can be
But I can't help from wishing
That you would keep Monday away from me

Do you have the power to remain

And yet have time still move
Oh I know this doesn't make sense
But still, how I wish you could

Saturday 1 September 2012


Poem in honor of the first month of Autumn that started today :)


September, first month of autumn
Summer has come to a close
With a last look, a last breath
Away with the wind she goes

September, first month of Autumn
Leaves begin turning to gold
The wind so warm and gentle
Begins it's change to cruel and cold

September, first month of Autumn
There is still warmth in the air
Yet not long will it stay
This knowledge hangs in the air

September, first month of Autumn
A time when earth's color transforms
A time it tires from the green
And thinks that red is better worn

September, oh September
A month that hails colors
Bright sunsets, shorter days
Rain and lots of puddles