Saturday, 17 December 2011

The Rescue

A very very very long poem I wrote :)

The Rescue
In a castle filled with gloom
In tallest tower, in highest room
Surrounded by wall a four
Grey in color, nothing more
A door doth stand, made of wood
Under key and locked for good
But if way inside you find
Simple room will be confined
Upon the floor a braided rug
And a table with a jug
By the table chair doth stad
Upon chair lies a woven band
In the corner stand cot for bed
With a window overhead
Upon the window drapes to flow
That with the wind oft' flow
Upon the bed Fair Maiden lies
With nutbrown hair and hazel eyes
By day she will lie and sleep
By night she doth sit and weave
Looking out of window and gazing at the moon
For moment doth forget her woe and gloom
For moom in lovles silver white
Shineth on her silver light
And in the distance star doth see
Small as speck of dust can be
But in it shines the hope and faith
To fill her for another day
And every other single night
A new star will catch her sight
For star, though nothing more than dust
With its light represents her trust
That soon the night of bondage will be done
And day of freedom will rise with sun

In the distance uner heat and sun
Hooves of horse, they gallop and run
Kicking up the dust and sand
Over hot and beaten land
Yonder mountain filled with snow
There fierce winds will often blow
Ice on path not seen at all
Until you slip and to death fall
After moutain swamp marsh
Conditions cruel and ver harsh
Pathway you must try and seek
If death you do not want to meet
Men in pride who often step
Do not take this path of death
This long and death-defying road
If made for men of faith and hope
Upon horse which doth runs
Rides his father's only son
Forsaken comforts of his home
To this road of fear and woe
After Maiden Fair he seeks
Who was locked by Evil Beast
In a tower filled with gloom
There to sit and wait her doom
Beast of tower does demand 
In marriage her young heart and hand
And if in fortnight vow she will not take
She will not see the sun or wake
So on rides Knight through land of woe
Where the bravest dare not go
He fears neither snow nor dust
In love's power he does trust
Go fast he must to make it in time
So on through sand and snow her rides

As sun sets and creeps the night
Fearful castle comes to sight
Dark in shadowns it doth stand
Putting fear in bravest man
Towers to the sky they loom
Filled with fear and woe and doom
Wall of stone goes all around
So no way inside is found
Walls they are thick and high
So over them you may not climb
Gate of black the entrance seals
So that stranger unwelcome feels
But if by all this you are scared not
You will find the gate unlocked
Pathway leads from the gate
To what is yoru certain fate
Huge gigantic oaken door
Guards the castle's inner ward
For therein Evil Beast confines
And therein Maiden Fair he hides
Evil Beast stands big and large
With hateful eyes and long sharp claws
He abides in castle dark and cold
Of it strange stories are often told
And to this castle Knight must come
Before this dark night is done
For if in times he makes it not
A great evil will be wrought
This dark night it will decide
With one battle, one fight
To whom Maiden Fair will go
To Knight of Valor or Beast of Woe

To the fearsome castle gate of black
Rides the Knight in armor clad
In he enters castle of woe and doom
His purpose to enter highest room
But before he can get to his only love
He must see what his valor is made of
He must Evil Beast challenge and fight
And it must be done this night
For with this night has new moon come
And with it Maiden's fortnight is done
Haste  must he make to inner ward
Before Beast knocks at Maiden's door
For if Maiden consent give not to him
The light in her high room will dim
So forward charges the Brave Knight
For Maiden's honor he will fight
And so the challenge has been made
Evil Beast has gone into rage
Brace yourself the battle is nigh
This is the battle that will decide
Grasping sword and holding shield
Knight charges to the battle field
He fears neither pain nor death
He will fight till his last breath
Beast does fear but will not show
Breath of fire he fierecly throwss
On and on goes the fight
Not even moon will come to sight
Suddenly Knight to the ground doth fall
It seems the Beast has won after all
Has the rescue failed this day
Or could their be another way?
Look to the east, sun doth rise
Gone and done is the night
And Knight stand, taking a deep breath
This night he has won and coonquered death

Now Beast has fallen back in fear
He doth know his end is near
Raises Knight his sword on high
For he has the power of ligh
Down the sword crashes to the ground
Making loud and sudden sound
Evil Beast, you need no more fear him
For the ground has swallowed him in
No more will Maiden need fear for her life
Victory is with the Prince of Light
Now enters Knight tower of doom
And climbs to the highest room
Before Maiden he doth stand
And with a kiss he takes her hand
"Maiden Fair, for you I gave my life"
"Now I pray, will you be my wife?"
Maiden smile and answers with a bow
"To you alone will I take my vow"
"For it was you who rescued me"
"And to you true I will always be"
Takin her hand he leads her to the prison door
This castle need be her prison no more
And as they leave the horrid gate of black
With one glance she does look back
To her suprise where castle used to be
Lies a vast field of green
Knight smiles, "now that victory is won"
"Evil Beast and his castle are gone"
"You need never aain fear so"
"That to him you will one mroe go"
Then upon his horse he sets his bride
And together they will ride
Till they reach the Kingdom of his Father
Where he will bless them his Son and daughter
The night of bondage is gone and done
And freedom has come with the rising sun

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